Thank you everyone who has joined in with the synchroblog and made it much better than than last month. All the posts that were written had their uniqueness and expressed everyone in his or her own way. Hopefully, you have gotten to see what makes every feel happy from hanging out with best friends to arts and music and even spending quality time with the family. It shows that everyone knows how to have fun and create a sense of the good Samaritan in each person. Again, thanks for helping out and participating. The more the merrier, the happier we will be. This time next month, look out for the next topic. Who knows what you may have to write about. Without YOU this could once a month "event" would not been possible. Now pat yourselves on the back!
Below you will find other bloggers who has participated in this month's synchroblog:
- This Side of Tomorrow [Nathan]
- Don't Stop Believin' [Nick Brown]
- Relatively Journalizing [Josua D]
- The University Blog [Martin]
- Simply Erin [Erin]
- The Voice to be Heard [Sara]
- Mamilicious [Amanda]
- Thunked and Befuddled [Alissa]
- Vacant Lot [Christine]
- Right on the Left Coast: Views From a Conservative Teacher [Darren]
- An Absolutely Ordinary Rainbow [Caity]
- University Scholar [Michael]
Until next time....!
Can't wait to join in. Thanks for getting this going again, Kelvin.
Good topic, looking forward to writing that one!
You know I'll be there, so to speak! I've even already photoshopped my header-image for this post...
I could not just stop this online event at the first round. It's time to have more fun (and not give up). I look forward to seeing all those who participate.
@Nick, I can't wait to see the header imagine you have for the post! I'm excited
In response to your comment: I'm currently declared as an English major, but I don't really want to teach and/or write for the rest of my life, and psych interests me a lot as of very recently, so I'm going to take intro to psych next semester and see how that goes. I want to keep English as at least a minor because I like it so much.
It seem like that writing and teaching is often associated when someone think of English on the college level.
Hey there! Thanks for attending my Halloween blog party! I was going to add the monster mash as background music, too funny you mentioned it!
Yo, Kelvin. My post is up!
How do we know which other blogs to link to?
The list of blogs will be updated as they are discovered.
I'm in, but I don't know how to link. i'm the problem child, I know.
yo yo yo
mine is up
Mine's up!
My post is up here.