Guest Post: Flying through Door #48 comments![]() Behind a stark, stoic desk sat a stark, stoic man. In front of him: a younger man, much less comfortable in the office filled with deep mahogany furniture. The elder of the two dogmatically laid out the other's life for him. "You will attend one of these three [Ivy-league] Schools" "You will enter one of these three [high-paying, upper-echelon] professions" "You will drive one of these three luxury cars..." and, of course, this is when the Audi pulls up providing the perfect option #4. What Audi did well was identify a foundational paradigm shift in the mindset of this generation: we're willing to take the chance behind door #4. We are making choices that dumbfound our elders, but seem natural to us, albeit a bit risky from time to time. But that's what excites us. We know this is our life, and we're set on living. One year ago, I walked - or rather flew - through my door #4. I left the comfort of my hometown, my friends, family, managerial position in retail, roommates and culture to fly to the other side of the world and teach English in Taiwan for a year. What I learned in that year I will carry with me the rest of my life. My view of culture (both mine and foreign), and my view of myself altered entirely. The details of how and what are chronicled on my blog, but I'm not here to bore you with that. What I'm here to say is this: the rules of the game have changed. Door #4 is not only a more viable option, but a more accessible one. On the rise in the US, and already widely accepted in much of Europe and Australia, is the gap year. This is the idea of taking a break from life and doing like I did: getting out. It's generally before entering university, after graduation, or occasionally in between (though the "adult gap year" is on the rise as well). As the world gets smaller every day, and technology makes life and communication more mobile, leaving for a year (or 6 months, or a month) becomes easier. There's increasing research that the "gap year" has unseen benefits that employers are taking notice from. reported on researchers finding an association between those who have lived abroad and an elevated level of creativity. But here's my beef with the "gap year" mentality. It leaves the traveler with the idea that the year is a "break" from her/his life. Let me tell you, that year is as much a part of your life as your 4 years in university. Or getting hired at your dream gig. Over at The Drift, we have a saying: The Journey is the Destination. We've been programed to think our life is a succession of events: High School; University; Career; Family; Retirement; Death. That's boring. Really. If I can encourage readers to one thing, it's this: Don't be afraid to do something different. Something you never thought you'd do. And when you do, remember what you do along the way to your "life goals (or "destinations")" is just as much of your life as those big events. Because Life isn't about the big events; life started yesterday, and yesterday is gone. Don't wait for some far off event to start living. More than any point in history, any generation before us, the door on option number four has blown wide open. The rules of normalcy have changed, and the rise of information and technology have given us the keys to our life. Take them and use them. Find what you're passionate about through your door #4, then walk, no, fly through and live your life. Because Life is a Journey, friends. And the Journey is the Destination. ----------------- About the Author: After spending a year in Taiwan blogging at The Taiwan Drift, Chase relocated himself back to sunny Southern California and relocated his blogging endeavors to Feel free to drop him a line on his blog or on Twitter. [Photo found here through Flickr's Creative Common] Synchroblog Round Up: Super Powers, Something We All Want4 commentsSo we all have now realized our own super power that we want for various reasons whether in a good way or a bad way. And for some there are many that can may want, but there is that certain one that will gives us that funk we need. Without further distractions, here’s a round-up of who participated in the Synchroblog this month. You see what each of them wanted as a super power if they had one. Go check them out and comment and do a bit of chit-chat. Mingle and meet new people!
If you participated and happened to be not on the list, let me know so you can be added. Reality: I’m Just an Ordinary Person8 commentsWe only got one world. Over the last few days I’ve been doing some thinking… thinking about everything that has been going on with me personally and other people. Is it okay to have the days where we can show sadness and not be all happy? Like those days where things may not be going so well? I mean sometimes I feel like I’m alone and what I’m thinking and experiencing, others may not be going through. Okay, I will admit that I had an unusual childhood and even my years in middle and high school had the good and bad experiences and people that I met. And I will say that half of the time though I’m smiling and seem so happy, deep somewhere, I’m not quite the way I appear.
I’m just an ordinary person living the life of an average person. I mean sometimes I feel like I’m just in this world, but yet in a world of my own. This is reality. This where the line of growing up comes into play and maturing into adulthood. This or these depressive feelings of being overwhelmed because I can’t get any assignments done exists. The feelings of not being an average social person comes and goes. I mean what exactly does it take to express to everyone else to take it slow and not have a big ego. I guess I will have to say that I’m not living the life… pretending that everything is alright, but it’s not. My heart goes out to those who may be on the wrong path in life. Sometimes I feel like telling people to be themselves and let me be me. Other times I feel like I have done something wrong because I didn’t save a person’s life? There’s so much helping I can offer to everyone. All I ask is to give me a chance. I do apologize for such post, but I feel like these feeling and thoughts must be released. Released by the method of writing. Things should not go in the direction of societal expectations because it will only make things worse for a person. I rather not go with the crowd but in a path of my own. And the Synchroblogging Topic Is…12 comments“If I Had a Super Power” Yep. That’s the topic. I wonder what I would if I had a superpower. One may not be enough, but it could also be safer than having multiple powers. What would your super power would be if you have one? Would you want to read the minds of others? Would you want drive a car that could fly everywhere to avoid traffic? How about being able to freeze time and rewind it like a video tape… or more like TiVo? If you had a superpower what would it be? A few notes:
Reality: The State of Being True4 commentsNote: This post contains my ideas and opinions that have not been released to the general public.
Those are words to the song Where is the Love by the Black Eyed Peas. I think you should go take a look at the video because I think it is a song you should listen to and the images that are played throughout the video. I believe the video talks about the typical problems and issues that occur every day in the United States. This song is one of my favorite as well since I think it fits in with what goes on in my life and how people are mistreating each other whether within their own racial group or towards the others. I guess I can add education with this, too, because teachers and schooling is where children get influenced by their peers and they are typically what is right and what is wrong. It starts with the parents while they are raising their child. I mean being in college helps me to open up to the real world. The classes, the people, the overall experiences really effect students in several ways. But that’s a different story.
Personally, sometimes I feel like I’m alone. I feel like I’m the only person that is not like many others (which is good) but I’m in a world of my own. But I’m still trying to figure out why I feel that way. Maybe because people I know and see every day may not have the same ideas and vision that I have and maybe I’m not like everyone else that do a lot of socializing. I’m trying to figure out myself every day. I guess that goes along with the rest of what this post is about, but then it may not. Not everyone will accept us for who we are. We all make all types of friends. That’s the best part of life. Making friends and hanging out with people that are really there whenever you need them and just people of common interest to talk to. Maybe because those are some close minded people that will not allow new ideas to be formed and allow them to look out the box. Sometimes all I ask is just listen and give chances to those who are capably of doing the job. Also, maybe we should let everyone allow themselves to shine. This world could be a lot better. Don’t you think? At least not better it will make progress and be different than it is now! Guest Post: Wanted: Girlfriend11 commentsIt’s been so long that I’ve been single, in its strictest sense, in my life. I could give you a list of why I never had a girlfriend for that long but if I do that I would just give myself an excuse for not having one instead of being on active lookout. Seriously, too, I’m sick of fooling around, flirting with somebody and acting like a boyfriend but in reality I’m just a runner-up, a go-to person when the “cat” is away. It’s an emotional torture for me, though most of these girls do not know how I feel. Though I’m on a serious hunt for a girlfriend, I think it is not right for anybody to settle for the available of force yourself to like someone. It would be like playing around again, only you have the other party holding on to a make believe commitment. (But at times of desperation, I might believe the concept of learning to love a person with time, and to actually go for the one who is willing.) So it’s just proper to set a qualification, a minimum standard for someone you would go out with (though most of the time, the “love of our life” is the exception to the rule”). And since I have mention setting up or listing some qualifications for a future partner or just a girlfriend, I might as well list mine here. Okay, it’s such a cliché to include having a great body, perfect vital statistics and such in the list. I mean it’s already given that we would love to hook up with some we can be proud of and would love to spend our intimate moments with an amazing girl, so what’s the use of including those characteristics here. I’m not a very choosy or picky guy. I’m only looking for one great character of a girl- she has to be understanding. How understanding or how long her patience she has to have? Here’s my short list.
Now you know how understanding she has to be. You may even conclude that the above are the reasons why I am still single. I won’t argue. But the above are really not that all inclusive. It’s not even a strict rule. Like what I said in the second item, I won’t give my girl any reason to be jealous or be mad. I know how to set priorities and to honor them. And more often than not, the girl we usually end up with are exceptions to the rule. Besides, I’m on a search for a girlfriend, not yet a wife. By the way, I’m John from the Philippines blogging at Life Inc. In case you’re curious about me or you want to apply, just tell Kelvin. He knows where to find me. It’s Synchroblogging Time! (Relaunching & Back in Action)9 commentsHow are you? I hope your week is as you plan it to be. A few ago, I mentioned a little something about synchroblogging:
So, that’s just gives you an idea of is suppose to be going on around these neck of the woods. You can also do a search on this by using the search box at the top and notice the early, “experimental” days of this. Now this is where you come in, of course, to help. What I would like for you to help with is the suggestions for a topic. A topic that you and all others will write about. When I get the suggestions, I probably will choose the one I like from those suggested and announce. Or I grab the best ones and let you vote for the topic you want to write. But all in all there will be a topic chosen. Also, if you have a better name for the Synchroblog, then feel free to suggest one. I just couldn’t think of a creative name!
Two Weeks2 commentsIt’s been two weeks since I last wrote a post. During the two weeks I braced myself for another semester and relaxed as much as possible. Finally it was time to start the new Fall semester. I only been in school for a week now and dealing with books and buying them is getting my my nerves. I have five classes this time around and I like them. I like my classes I have this semester. I have one professor who is laid back and likes to teach and get straight to the point and we’re out the door. Now that’s the way to teach. She knows how we feel as students. Sociology will be quite the class. I’m sure it will be interesting, too. My Algebra class is a challenge…and the work is done online. That adds more work to complete and submit online My online class is so far pretty good. I’ve done some reading and had some music playing in the background so I could read about classroom practices and language assessment without falling asleep. I just have to read a bit more and then actually start on the work that is due next weekend. I think it helps to get through the reading when there is music playing in the background. I don’t know what to say about my Brit Lit professor. And the homework is slowing coming... no complaints yet. I’m also glad that we do not have classes today!! Yes! Over the last two weeks I have not posted. Not that I did not want to post, I didn’t know what to write about. So much can be written but left in the brainstorming stages. But it happens when there’s nothing really to write about or sometimes go a few days without blogging. Hey it happens. You can’t pretend it doesn’t. Though I have not blogged, I have been in the background of things while I go through the routine of getting back in to school (and located at other places online). I did get a bit lazy to blog, but I didn’t have anything really to post or share. Random side note: The word ‘nonsensical’ is an interesting word. I’m not sure if it is used a lot. All in all it is time to blog again… I surely do not want to go down the path of no return. It felt like yesterday when the first of August was here. NOW it is September. Gee whiz the days are passing. It’s not too hot, but soon the season will change it and will slowly start to cool down and the leaves changing and all that good stuff. A few days into then new month. And last came and flew by too fast. Unexpectedly. I had a good first weekend of this month, but I’ve been really tired lately. Like I am not getting enough sleep thought I have been up early and go to sleep early. I don’t know. My family call me an old man. I disagree. How was your weekend? What have you done over the last week?
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